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Rosslyn Nursery and Preschool is an Ofsted rated childcare provider.


Following an inspection in July 2022, Rosslyn Nursery and Preschool received an Overall Effectiveness rating of 'Good'. You can read key highlights of the report above, as quoted by the Ofsted Inspector during her visit.


Inspection Date: 18th July 2022


Overall Effectiveness: Good

Quality of Education: Good

Behaviour and Attitudes: Outstanding

Personal Development: Good

Leadership and Management: Good


The full inspection report can be viewed by clicking below.


Children thrive at this friendly and welcoming setting. They arrive happy and full of enthusiasm to begin their day. Children benefit from a thoughtfully planned settling-in process, which includes a home visit from their key person. This helps children to develop strong relationships with staff right from the start. They demonstrate that they feel happy and secure as they confidently lead their own learning, make choices and interact with others.


Ofsted Inspector - July 2022

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